Why we started NEKTR.

Rooted in our own health transformations.

In 2021, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy after having multiple tonic-clonic seizures back to back within only a couple of months. After countless ER visits and doctor appointments, the only answer I had was to take medication twice a day, everyday and hope I didn't have a breakthrough seizure. The side effects of these medications were crippling, my previous gut issues worsened, I was always sick and for months I was sidelined from living my life. I stopped showing up for, not only myself, but for my husband, Michael.

One day I decided I couldn’t be sidelined anymore. Michael and I turned to our diet and lifestyle for answers. Starting with the basics, we switched to a whole food diet, prioritized sleep and aimed for 10k steps a day. The more we researched, the more we uncovered. Our diet was filled with ultra-processed ingredients, seed oils and refined sugars, our environment packed with air pollutants, and household products loaded with hormone disruptors. It became clear our body’s defenses needed protection against today’s lifestyle. The need for clean, safe ingredients was greater than ever.

As we started learning about our gut microbiome and its connection to inflammation and disease throughout the body, we discovered bovine colostrum. We read through the thousands of published studies showing it as a natural, safe solution for balancing our gut microbiome, strengthening our immune defenses, improving muscle recovery and protecting our skin and hair barriers. 

For the first time, we felt like we were onto something. Things started to click. We were amazed that I not only started feeling better but Michael’s health improved dramatically. For me, within a month of using, my menstrual cycle came back and after just three months, my previous gut-issues healed, I stopped getting sick and no longer felt constantly tired and achy. As for Michael, he started recovering faster after his workouts, experienced fuller hair growth and higher energy levels.

Fast forward and here we are today. NEKTR was born out of a need for clean, quality supplements and is rooted in Michael and I’s own health journeys. We're passionate about health and firmly believe the body has the ability to heal and transform itself when equipped with the proper nutrients. It’s a lot of trial and error in finding what works but it’s worth it. We're on a mission to share the power of bovine colostrum for enhancing whole body health and hope you give it a try and see for yourself the benefits it can have in your life and daily routine.

Here’s to never being sidelined in life again and to consistently showing up for yourself and loved ones every day.

Thanks for being here,
Mo + Mike

Ps–I’m proud to say I haven’t had a seizure in over a year.

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